§ 45-55-4 - Definitions.

SECTION 45-55-4

   § 45-55-4  Definitions. – The words defined in this section have the following meanings whenever theyappear in this chapter, unless the context in which they are used clearlyrequires a different meaning or a different definition is prescribed for aparticular section, group of sections or provision.

   (1) "Business" means any corporation, partnership,individual, sole proprietorship, joint stock company, joint venture, or anyother legal entity through which business is conducted.

   (2) "Change order" means a written order signed by thepurchasing agent, or contractor directing or allowing the contractor to makechanges which the changes clause of the contract authorizes the purchasingagent or contractor to order without the consent of the contractor orpurchasing agent.

   (3) "Construction" means the process of building, altering,repairing, improving, or demolishing any public structures or building, orother public improvements of any kind to any public real property. It does notinclude the routine maintenance or repair of existing structures, buildings, orreal property performed by salaried employees of the municipality in the usualcourse of their job.

   (4) "Contract" means all types of agreements, includinggrants and orders, for the purchase or disposal of supplies, services,construction, or any other item. It includes awards; contracts of afixed-price, cost, cost-plus-a-fixed-fee, or incentive type; contractsproviding for the issuance of job or task orders; leases; letter contracts,purchase orders, and construction management contracts. It also includessupplemental agreements with respect to any of the preceding. "Contract" doesnot include labor contracts with employees of the municipality.

   (5) "Contract modification" means any written alteration inthe specifications, delivery point, rate of delivery, contract period, price,quantity, or other contract provisions of any existing contract, whetheraccomplished by unilateral action in accordance with a contract provision, orby mutual action of the parties to the contract. It includes bilateral actions,as supplemental agreements, and unilateral actions, as change orders,administrative changes, notices of termination, and notices of the exercise ofa contract option.

   (6) "Contractor" means any person having a contract with amunicipality.

   (8) "Data" means recorded information, regardless of form orcharacteristic.

   (8) "Designee" means a duly authorized representative of aperson holding a superior position.

   (9) "Employee" means an individual drawing a salary from amunicipality, whether elected or not, and any nonsalaried individual performingpersonal services for any municipality.

   (10) "May" means permissive.

   (11) "Municipality" means the individual cities and towns ofthe state of Rhode Island.

   (12) "Negotiation" means contracting by either of the methodsdescribed in §§ 45-55-6, 45-55-7, and 45-55-8.

   (13) "Person" means any business, individual, organization,or group of individuals.

   (14) "Procurement" means the purchasing, buying, renting,leasing, or otherwise obtaining of any supplies, services, or construction. Italso includes all functions that pertain to the obtaining of any supply,service, or construction item, including description of requirements, selectionand solicitation of sources, preparation and award of contract, and all phasesof contract administration.

   (15) "Purchasing officer" means the person designated in eachmunicipality or quasi public agency pursuant to section 45-55-3.

   (16) "Regulations" means rules and regulations adopted by theindividual cities or towns, concerning the implementation of the provisions ofthis chapter.

   (17) "Services" means the rendering, by a contractor, of itstime and effort rather than the furnishing of a specific end product, otherthan reports which are merely incidental to the required performance ofservices. "Services" does not include labor contracts with employees ofgovernmental agencies.

   (18) "Shall" means imperative.

   (19) "Supplemental agreement" means any contract modificationwhich is accomplished by the mutual action of the parties.

   (20) "Supplies" means all property, including, but notlimited, to leases of real property, printing and insurance, except land orpermanent interest in land.