§ 45-52-1 - Creation Corporate powers.
SECTION 45-52-1
§ 45-52-1 Creation Corporatepowers. (a) All that part of the town of Charlestown County of Washington and state ofRhode Island, commencing at a point being the northeast corner thereof on thewesterly line of West Beach road, being the northeasterly corner of lot 84 asshown on plat entitled "Quonochontaug Highlands, Property of CharlestownEstates, Inc., Charlestown, R.I. Scale 1" = 50 ft. August 1940, Rossi & Lewis,Engineers"; then in a general westerly direction to the shore line ofQuonochontaug Pond, along the northerly boundary of lots shown and delineatedon the plat; then southerly along the easterly shore line of Quonochontaug Pondto a stone wall at land formerly of the Heirs of George S. Baxter as shown onthe plat; then southeasterly along the stone wall as shown on the plat to thenortherly line of a highway as shown on the plat; then easterly along thenortherly line of the highway to the westerly line of the West Beach Road; andthen northerly along the westerly line of West Beach Road to the point ofbeginning.
(b) And also all that part of the town of Charlestownbeginning at a point on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean in the town ofCharlestown, where the land formerly of Howard E. Thorp & Nelson H. Thorp andland formerly of Donald J. Bunce meet, the point also being the southeasterlycorner of the jurisdictional bounds of Quonochontaug Central Beach FireDistrict; then running in a general northerly direction bounded westerly by theeasterly boundary of Quonochontaug Central Beach Fire District to the northerlyline of Sea Breeze Ave.; then westerly along the northerly line of Sea BreezeAvenue to land of Quonochontaug Central Beach Fire District; then in a generalnortherly direction bounded westerly by land of Quonochontaug Central BeachFire District to the southerly point of land formerly of the Heirs of Mary E.Briggs; then continuing northwesterly bounded southwesterly by the land of theHeirs of Mary E. Briggs a distance of three hundred feet (300'), more or less,to an angle at other land formerly of Mary E. Briggs; then turning and runninga distance of eight hundred twenty feet (820'), more or less, in a generalnortheasterly direction bounded northwesterly by land formerly of the Heirs ofMary E. Briggs as shown on a plat entitled "Plat of Land at Quonochontaug, R.I.consisting of Charlestown Estates, Inc., Central Beach Quonochontaug Highlands,Scale 1" = 200 ft. January 1st, 1940, H.E. Thorp & Son, Agents Dixon SquareBldg., Westerly, R.I."; then turning and running in a general northerlydirection four hundred eleven feet (411'), more or less, bounded westerly bythe Briggs land to land now or formerly of Asa Hoxsie as shown on the platdated January 1st, 1940 to a point; then turning and running in a generaleasterly direction one thousand two hundred fifty feet (1250'), more or less,to a wall intersection at the northwesterly corner of land of Hazard H. Burdickas shown on the plat dated January 1st, 1940, the wall intersection being threehundred twenty-seven feet (327'), more or less, from the westerly line of EastBeach Road as measured along an extension easterly of the last describedcourse; then turning and running in a general northerly direction to thesouthwesterly corner of land now or formerly of Lloyd E. Cook, et ux, and thenorthwesterly corner of land now or formerly of Lillian H. Richardson; thenturning and running in a general easterly direction bounded northerly by theCook land to the westerly line of the East Beach Road; then easterly crossingEast Beach Road to the east side thereof; then northerly along the east side ofEast Beach Road to the southerly line of land of Sun Rise Acres Condominium;then easterly one hundred seventy feet (170'), more or less, bounded northerlyby the Sun Rise Acres Condominium land; then turning and running southerlybounded easterly in part by land of Sun Rise Acres Condominium, and in part bylot numbered 54 as shown and delineated on plat entitled, "Sun Rise Acres,property of Charlestown Estates, Inc., Quonochontaug, Charlestown, R.I., Scale1" = 80 ft. November, 1948, Rossi & Lewis Engineers", which plat is on file inthe town clerk's office of the town of Charlestown, to the northerly line ofPeabody Road; then westerly along the northerly line of Peabody Road to theeasterly line of East Beach Road; then southerly along the easterly line ofEast Beach Road to the southerly line of Peabody Road; then easterly on thesoutherly line of Peabody Road to the northeasterly corner of lot no. 46 asshown on the Sun Rise Acres plat dated 1948; then turning and running southerlybounded easterly by lot 44 as shown and delineated on the Sun Rise Acres platdated 1948 to the southwesterly corner of lot 44 as shown on the plat dated1948; then turning and running in a general easterly direction to the southeastcorner of lot 42 as shown on the plat dated 1948 and then southerly to thenortherly line of a street known as Moulton Place bounded easterly by lotsshown and delineated on the plat dated 1948; then turning and running westerlyalong the northerly line of Moulton Place to the easterly line of East BeachRoad; then southerly bounded westerly by East Beach Road to the southerly lineof Moulton Place; then turning and running easterly along the southerly line ofMoulton Place to the west shore line of Ninigret Pond; then southerly along thewest shore line of Ninigret Pond to the northerly line of South Street,so-called; then westerly along the northerly line of South Street to theeasterly line of East Beach Road; then southerly along the easterly line ofEast Beach Road to an intersection with an extension easterly of the northerlyline of land now or formerly of Margaret I. Ferretti; then westerly across theextension and bounded southerly by the Ferretti land to the northwesterlycorner thereof; then southerly, bounded easterly by the Ferretti land, to theshore line of the Atlantic Ocean; then westerly along the shore line of theAtlantic Ocean to the point and place of beginning are incorporated into adistrict to be called the Quonochontaug East Beach water district.