§ 45-39.1-3 - Power of councils.
SECTION 45-39.1-3
§ 45-39.1-3 Power of councils. In addition to and consistent with any power provided by a law or charterprovision, councils shall have the power to:
(1) Plan, in a manner consistent with the provision ofchapter 45-22.2, and provide for water supply or municipal water supply withinthe city or town or any portion or area thereof;
(2) Adopt, fix and amend rates as set forth by section45-39.1-5, unless such rates are subject to the approval of the commission orare governed by another provision of law or charter;
(3) Control water usage within the city or town in order toprovide for the adequacy, availability, and/or safety of water supply; andadopt such measures as may be necessary to make such restriction effective;such restrictions shall not be less than or inconsistent with any standardsadopted by the water resources board and shall incorporate the priority givento agriculture pursuant to subdivision 46-15.7-1(b)(5); and
(4) Approve the submission, by the city or town, of a watersupply system management plan to the water resources board pursuant to section46-15.3-5.1.