§ 45-32-4 - Resolution or ordinance designating redevelopment area Public hearing.
SECTION 45-32-4
§ 45-32-4 Resolution or ordinancedesignating redevelopment area Public hearing. The legislative body of the community must designate by resolution or ordinanceone or more areas within the community as a redevelopment area or areas.(Whenever the word "resolution" is used, it means "resolution or ordinance.")Each resolution shall include a description of the boundaries of the area orareas designated as a redevelopment area. Before passing a resolution, thelegislative body or the committee thereof, to which the proposed resolution hasbeen referred, shall give notice of the date, time, place, and purpose of apublic hearing or hearings with reference to the resolution at which therecommendations of the planning commission developed in accordance with theprovisions of § 45-32-3 shall be considered. The notice shall be publishednot less than once a week for three (3) successive weeks prior to the hearingin a newspaper of general circulation published in the community, or if nonewspaper is published in the community, then in a newspaper of generalcirculation in the community. At the public hearing all interested persons oragencies shall have an opportunity to be heard and to submit communications inwriting. The public hearing required by this section may be held jointly withthe hearing upon a redevelopment plan for a project area, as provided in §45-32-11, if the legislative body so directs. Any person, group, association,or corporation may, in writing, petition the legislative body to designate oneor more areas within the community as redevelopment areas, and may submit, withtheir petition, plans, showing the proposed redevelopment of those areas or anypart or parts of the areas.