§ 45-32-20 - Contents of adoptive ordinance.
SECTION 45-32-20
§ 45-32-20 Contents of adoptive ordinance. The adoption of a redevelopment plan by a legislative body shall be byordinance. The ordinance shall:
(1) Designate the project by area, name, and number.
(2) Include findings that the project area is blighted andsubstandard and requires clearance, replanning, redevelopment, rehabilitation,or improvement or any combination of these remedies.
(3) State the purposes and intent of the legislative bodywith respect to the project area.
(4) Refer specifically to the determinations required in§§ 45-32-13 45-32-18.
(5) Incorporate by reference the redevelopment plan.
(6) Designate the approved plan as the official redevelopmentplan for the project area.