§ 45-30-1 - Declaration of purpose.
SECTION 45-30-1
§ 45-30-1 Declaration of purpose. It is found and declared that the national defense involves large increases inthe military forces and personnel in this state, a great increase in the numberof workers in already established industries and activities, and the bringingof a large number of workers and their families to new defense industries andactivities in the state; that there exists or impends an acute shortage of safeand sanitary dwellings available to these persons and their families in thisstate which impedes national defense; that it is imperative that action betaken immediately to assure the availability of safe and sanitary dwellings forthese persons to enable the rapid expansion of national defense activities inthis state, and to avoid a large labor turnover in defense industries whichwould seriously hamper their production; that the provisions hereinafterenacted are necessary to assure the availability of safe and sanitary dwellingsfor persons engaged in national defense activities; and that these provisionsare for the public use and purpose of facilitating national defense in thisstate. It is further declared to be the purpose of this chapter to authorizehousing authorities to do any and all things necessary or desirable to securethe financial aid of the federal government, or to cooperate with or act asagents or lessees of the federal government, in the expeditious development oradministration of projects to assure the availability, when needed, of safe andsanitary dwellings for persons engaged in national defense activities, and tomake projects available to servicemen and returning veterans consistent withnational defense.