§ 45-3-3.1 - Adjournment of the Barrington town meeting to an indoor facility located outside the town of Barrington.
SECTION 45-3-3.1
§ 45-3-3.1 Adjournment of the Barringtontown meeting to an indoor facility located outside the town of Barrington. (a) If at the stated time and day of the town meeting in the town ofBarrington, there is insufficient room to accommodate, seat, assemble, andhear, all the qualified electors present at the town meeting, and if afterreview by the town moderator and town clerk it is determined there is no indoorfacility in the town large enough to accommodate the electors reasonablyexpected at the continuation of the town meeting, then the town of Barringtonmay hold its town meeting at an indoor facility located a reasonable distanceoutside the town of Barrington.
(b) Notice of the meeting shall be given pursuant to §45-3-8 of this chapter.