§ 45-29-21 - Determination of necessity Appointment and fees of appraisers.
SECTION 45-29-21
§ 45-29-21 Determination of necessity Appointment and fees of appraisers. At the time and place mentioned in the notice, or at any adjournment ordered bythe court, the court after hearing the interested parties, and who may appearand desire to be heard, shall first determine whether the lands or therespective interests or estates in the lands in the description, plat, andstatement set forth, are necessary or convenient to the city for the purposesspecified in this chapter, and if it determines that the lands or any interestsor estate in them are necessary or convenient, the court shall appoint theattorney general of the state of Rhode Island and two (2) wholly disinterestedpersons eminently skilled in the values or valuations of real estate in thelocality of the real estate sought to be condemned, but not resident in thatcity, to serve as appraisers to value and estimate the damages sustained byreason of the taking, and the damages, if any, to the remainder of any land ofany owner or of any interest therein, not taken. Vacancies among the appraisersshall be filled by the superior court upon application of any interested partyand upon any notice that the court may direct. Their fees for services shall befixed by the court and paid by the city.