§ 45-25-4 - Petition for establishment of authority Notice of hearing.
SECTION 45-25-4
§ 45-25-4 Petition for establishment ofauthority Notice of hearing. Any twenty-five (25) residents of a city may file a petition with the cityclerk stating that there is a need for an authority to function in the city.Upon the filing of the petition, the city clerk shall give notice of the time,place, and purposes of a public hearing at which the council will determine theneed for an authority in the city. The notice shall be given at the city'sexpense by publishing a notice, at least ten (10) days preceding the day onwhich the hearing is to be held, in a newspaper having a general circulation inthe city or, if there is no newspaper, by posting a notice in at least three(3) public places within the city, at least ten (10) days preceding the day onwhich the hearing is to be held.