§ 45-25-3 - Definitions.
SECTION 45-25-3
§ 45-25-3 Definitions. The following terms, wherever used or referred to in chapters 25 27 ofthis title, have the following respective meanings, unless a different meaningclearly appears from the context:
(1) "Authority" or "housing authority" means a public bodyand a body corporate and politic, organized in accordance with the provisionsof chapters 25 and 26 of this title for the purposes, with the powers, andsubject to the restrictions established in chapters 25 and 26 of this title.
(2) "Bonds" means any bonds, interim certificates, notes,debentures, or other obligations of the authority issued pursuant to chapters25 27 of this title.
(3) "City" means a city, the boundaries of which are or areabout to be coterminous with the territorial boundaries of an authority whencreated hereunder.
(4) "City clerk and mayor" means, in the case of a city, theclerk and mayor, of the city, or the officers charged with the dutiescustomarily imposed on the clerk and mayor.
(5) "Commissioner" means one of the members of an authorityappointed in accordance with the provisions of chapters 25 and 26 of this title.
(6) "Community facilities" includes real and personalproperty, and buildings and equipment for recreational or social assemblies,for educational, health or welfare purposes, and necessary utilities, whendesigned primarily for the benefit and use of the housing authority and/or theoccupants of the dwelling accommodations.
(7) "Contract" means any agreement of an authority with orfor the benefit of an obligee whether contained in a resolution, trustindenture, mortgage, lease, bond, or other instrument.
(8) "Council" means, in the case of a city, the council orother body charged with governing the city.
(9) "Federal government" includes the United States ofAmerica, the Federal Public Housing Administration or any agency,instrumentality, corporate or otherwise, of the United States of America.
(10) "Government" includes the state and federal governmentsand any subdivision, agency, or instrumentality, corporate or otherwise, ofeither of them.
(11) "Housing project" includes all real and personalproperty, buildings and improvements, stores, offices, lands for farming andgardening, and community facilities acquired or constructed or to be acquiredor constructed pursuant to a single plan or undertaking to: (i) demolish,clear, remove, alter, or repair unsanitary or unsafe housing, and/or (ii)provide safe and sanitary dwelling accommodations for persons of low income.The term "housing project" may also be applied to the planning of the buildingsand improvements, the acquisition of property, the demolition of existingstructures, the construction, reconstruction, alteration and repair of theimprovements, and all other work in connection therewith.
(12) "Mortgage" includes deeds of trust, mortgages, buildingand loan contracts or other instruments conveying real or personal property assecurity for bonds and conferring a right to foreclose and cause a sale thereof.
(13) "Municipality" means any city, town or incorporatedvillage, other than the city as defined in subsection (3) of this section,which is located within the territorial boundaries of an authority.
(14) "Obligee of the authority" or "obligee" includes anybondholder, trustee or trustees for any bondholders, any lessor demisingproperty to the authority used in connection with a housing project or anyassignee or assignees of the lessor's interest or any part thereof, and theUnited States of America, when it is a party to any contract with the authority.
(15) "Real property" includes lands, lands under water,structures, and any and all easements, franchises, and incorporealhereditaments and every estate and right therein, legal and equitable,including terms for years and liens by way of judgment, mortgage, or otherwise.
(16) "State" means the state of Rhode Island and ProvidencePlantations.
(17) "State public body" means any city, town, municipalcorporation, commission, district, authority, or other subdivision or publicbody of the state.
(18) "Trust indenture" includes instruments pledging therevenues of real or personal properties but not conveying those properties orconferring a right to foreclose and cause a sale thereof.