§ 45-25-2 - Declaration of necessity.
SECTION 45-25-2
§ 45-25-2 Declaration of necessity. It is declared that:
(1) Unsanitary or unsafe dwelling accommodations exist invarious cities of the state, and that these unsafe or unsanitary conditionsarise from overcrowding and concentration of population, the obsolete and poorcondition of the buildings, improper planning, excessive land coverage, lack ofproper light, air and space, unsanitary design and arrangement, lack of propersanitary facilities, and the existence of conditions which endanger life orproperty by fire and other causes; that in all these cities many persons of lowincome are forced to reside in unsanitary or unsafe dwelling accommodations;
(2) In various cities there is a lack of safe or sanitarydwelling accommodations available to all the inhabitants, and that consequentlymany persons of low income are forced to occupy overcrowded and congesteddwelling accommodations;
(3) These conditions cause an increase in and spread ofdisease and crime and constitute a menace to the health, safety, morals, andwelfare of the citizens of the state and impair economic values; that theseconditions cannot be remedied by the ordinary operations of private enterprises;
(4) The clearance, replanning, and reconstruction of theareas in which unsanitary or unsafe housing conditions exist and the providingof safe and sanitary dwelling accommodations for persons of low income arepublic uses and purposes for which public money may be spent and privateproperty acquired;
(5) It is in the public interest that work on these projectsbe instituted as soon as possible in order to relieve unemployment which nowconstitutes an emergency; and
(6) The necessity in the public interest for the provisionenacted by these chapters, is declared a matter of legislative determination.