§ 45-24-62 - Administration Judicial aid in enforcement.
SECTION 45-24-62
§ 45-24-62 Administration Judicialaid in enforcement. The supreme court and the superior court, within their respectivejurisdictions, or any justice of either of those courts in vacation, shall,upon due proceedings in the name of the city or town, instituted by its city ortown solicitor, have power to issue any extraordinary writ or to proceedaccording to the course of law or equity or both:
(1) To restrain the erection, alteration, or use of anybuilding, structure, sign, or land erected, altered, or used in violation ofthe provisions of any zoning ordinance enacted under the authority of thischapter, and to order its removal or abatement as a nuisance;
(2) To compel compliance with the provisions of any zoningordinance enacted under the authority of this chapter;
(3) To order the removal by the property owner of anybuilding, structure, sign, or improvement existing in violation of any zoningordinance enacted under the provisions of this chapter and to authorize someofficial of the city or town, in the default of the removal by the owner, toremove it at the expense of the owner;
(4) To order the reimbursement for any work or materials doneor furnished by or at the cost of the city or town;
(5) To order restoration by the owner, where practicable;and/or
(6) To issue fines and other penalties.