§ 45-24.2-2 - Definitions.
SECTION 45-24.2-2
§ 45-24.2-2 Definitions. (a) "Board" means the board established or designated as the housing board ofreview.
(b) "Dwelling" means any building or structure or partthereof, including hotels and rooming houses, that is used, occupied, orintended to be used or occupied for human habitation, and includes dwellingpremises, appurtenances, and facilities belonging to the dwelling or usuallyenjoyed with it. Whenever the word "dwelling" is used in this chapter, it shallbe construed as if followed by the words "or any part thereof".
(c) "Dwelling premises" means the land and auxiliarybuildings, used or intended to be used in connection with the dwelling.
(d) "Enforcing officer" means the head, or his or her dulyauthorized representative, of the division, bureau, office, department, oragency responsible for enforcing and administering any ordinance, rule, orregulation adopted pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
(e) "Limited equity housing cooperative" means a limitedequity cooperative housing corporation chartered pursuant to chapter 6.1 oftitle 7.
(f) "Low income residents" means those residents with incomesnot exceeding fifty percent (50%) of the median household income as reported inthe most recent federal census.
(g) "Moderate income residents" means those residents withincomes not exceeding eighty percent (80%) of the median household income asreported in the most recent federal census.