§ 45-23-69 - Appeals Public hearing.
SECTION 45-23-69
§ 45-23-69 Appeals Public hearing. (a) The board of appeal shall hold a public hearing on the appeal withinforty-five (45) days of the receipt of the appeal, give public notice of thehearing, as well as due notice to the parties of interest. At the hearing anyparty may appear in person, or be represented by an agent or attorney. Theboard shall render a decision within ten (10) days of the close of the publichearing. The cost of any notice required for the hearing shall be borne by theapplicant.
(b) The board of appeal shall only hear appeals of theactions of a planning board or administrative officer at a meeting calledespecially for the purpose of hearing the appeals and which has been soadvertised.
(c) The hearing, which may be held on the same date and atthe same place as a meeting of the zoning board of review, must be held as aseparate meeting from any zoning board of review meeting. Separate minutes andrecords of votes as required by § 45-23-70(d) shall be maintained by theboard of appeal.