§ 45-23-53 - Local regulations Public hearing and notice requirements.
SECTION 45-23-53
§ 45-23-53 Local regulations Publichearing and notice requirements. (a) No local regulations shall be adopted, repealed, or amended until after apublic hearing has been held upon the question before the city or town planningboard. The city or town planning board shall first give notice of the publichearing by publication of notice in a newspaper of general circulation withinthe municipality at least once each week for three (3) successive weeks priorto the date of the hearing, which may include the week in which the hearing isto be held. At this hearing opportunity shall be given to all personsinterested on being heard upon the matter of the proposed regulations. Writtennotice, which may be a copy of the newspaper notice, shall be mailed to thestatewide planning program of the Rhode Island department of administration atleast two (2) weeks prior to the hearing. The newspaper notice shall bepublished as a display advertisement, using a type size at least as large asthe normal type size used by the newspaper in its news articles, and shall:
(1) Specify the place of the hearing and the date and time ofits commencement;
(2) Indicate that adoption, amendment or repeal of localregulations is under consideration;
(3) Contain a statement of the proposed amendments to theregulations that may be printed once in its entirety, or may summarize ordescribe the matter under consideration;
(4) Advise those interested where and when a copy of thematter under consideration may be obtained or examined and copied; and
(5) State that the proposals shown on the notice may bealtered or amended prior to the close of the public hearing without furtheradvertising, as a result of further study or because of the views expressed atthe public hearing. Any alteration or amendment must be presented for commentin the course of the hearing.
(b) Notice of the public hearing shall be sent by first classmail to the city or town planning board of any municipality where there is apublic or quasi-public water source, or private water source that is used or issuitable for use as a public water source, located within two thousand feet(2,000') of the municipal boundaries.
(c) Notice of a public hearing shall be sent to the governingbody of any state or municipal water department or agency, special waterdistrict, or private water company that has riparian rights to a surface waterresource and/or surface watershed that is used or is suitable for use as apublic water source located within either the municipality or two thousand feet(2,000') of the municipal boundaries; provided, that a map survey has beenfiled with the building inspector as specified in § 45-24-53(e).
(d) No defect in the form of any notice under this sectionrenders any regulations invalid, unless the defect is found to be intentionalor misleading.
(e) The requirements in this section are to be construed asminimum requirements.