§ 45-23-42 - General provisions Major land development and major subdivision Public hearing and notice.
SECTION 45-23-42
§ 45-23-42 General provisions Majorland development and major subdivision Public hearing and notice. (a) A public hearing is required for a major land development project or amajor subdivision or where a street extension or creation requires a publichearing for a minor land development project or minor subdivision.
(b) Notice requirements. Public notice of the hearingshall be given at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the hearing ina newspaper of general circulation within the municipality following themunicipality's usual and customary practices for this kind of advertising.Notice shall be sent to the applicant and to each owner within the notice area,by certified mail, return receipt requested, of the time and place of thehearing not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the hearing. Noticeshall also be sent to any individual or entity holding a recorded conservationor preservation restriction on the property that is the subject of theapplication. The notice shall also include the street address of the subjectproperty, or if no street address is available, the distance from the nearestexisting intersection in tenths ( 1/10's) of a mile. Local regulations mayrequire a supplemental notice that an application for development approval isunder consideration be posted at the location in question. The posting is forinformational purposes only and does not constitute required notice of a publichearing.
(1) The distance(s) for notice of the public hearing shall bespecified in the local regulations. The distance may differ by zoning districtand scale of development. At a minimum, all abutting property owners to theproposed development's property boundary shall receive notice.
(2) Watersheds. Additional notice within watershedsshall also be sent as required in § 45-23-53(b) and (c).
(3) Adjacent municipalities. Notice of the publichearing shall be sent by the administrative officer to the administrativeofficer of an adjacent municipality if (1) the notice area extends into theadjacent municipality, or (2) the development site extends into the adjacentmunicipality, or (3) there is a potential for significant negative impact onthe adjacent municipality.
(d) Notice cost. The cost of all notice shall beborne by the applicant.