§ 45-23-35 - General provisions Pre-application meetings and concept review.
SECTION 45-23-35
§ 45-23-35 General provisions Pre-application meetings and concept review. (a) One or more pre-application meetings shall be held for all major landdevelopment or subdivision applications. Pre-application meetings may be heldfor administrative and minor applications, upon request of either themunicipality or the applicant. Pre-application meetings allow the applicant tomeet with appropriate officials, boards and/or commissions, planning staff,and, where appropriate, state agencies, for advice as to the required steps inthe approvals process, the pertinent local plans, ordinances, regulations,rules and procedures and standards which may bear upon the proposed developmentproject.
(b) At the pre-application stage the applicant may requestthe planning board or the technical review committee for an informal conceptplan review for a development. The purpose of the concept plan review is alsoto provide planning board or technical review committee input in the formativestages of major subdivision and land development concept design.
(c) Applicants seeking a pre-application meeting or aninformal concept review shall submit general, conceptual materials in advanceof the meeting(s) as requested by municipal officials.
(d) Pre-application meetings aim to encourage informationsharing and discussion of project concepts among the participants.Pre-application discussions are intended for the guidance of the applicant andare not considered approval of a project or its elements.
(e) Provided that at least one pre-application meeting hasbeen held for major land development or subdivision application or sixty (60)days has elapsed from the filing of the pre-application submission and nopre-application meeting has been scheduled to occur within those sixty (60)days, nothing shall be deemed to preclude an applicant from thereafter filingand proceeding with an application for a land development or subdivisionproject in accordance with § 45-23-36.