§ 45-23-27 - Applicability.

SECTION 45-23-27

   § 45-23-27  Applicability. – (a) Sections 45-23-25 – 45-23-74 and all local regulations are applicablein all of the following instances:

   (1) In all cases of subdivision of land, includingre-subdivision, as defined in § 45-23-32, all provisions of §§45-23-25 – 45-23-74 apply;

   (2) In all cases of land development projects, as providedfor in § 45-24-47 of the Zoning Enabling Act of 1991, where a municipalityhas allowed for the land development projects in its local zoning ordinance;and/or

   (3) In all cases of development plan review, as provided forin § 45-24-49 of the Zoning Enabling Act of 1991, where a municipality hasestablished, within their zoning ordinance, the procedures for planning boardreview of applications.

   (b) Plats required.

   (1) All activity defined as subdivision requires a new plat,drawn to the specifications of the local regulations, and reviewed and approvedby the planning board or its agents as provided in this chapter; and

   (2) Prior to recording, the approved plat shall be submittedfor signature and recording as specified in § 45-23-64.