§ 45-23.1-4 - Buildings not on mapped streets.
SECTION 45-23.1-4
§ 45-23.1-4 Buildings not on mappedstreets. (a) A city or town council is authorized and empowered to provide by ordinancethat no permit for the erection of any building shall be issued unless thebuilding lot abuts a street which has been placed on the official map givingaccess to the proposed structure, and that before a permit is issued, thestreet has been certified to be suitably improved, or suitable improvementshave been assured by means of a performance guarantee, in accordance with rulesand regulations adopted in the same manner as rules and regulations forsubdivisions as provided in chapter 23 of this title.
(b) Where the enforcement of this section would entailpractical difficulty or unnecessary hardship, or where the circumstances of thecase do not require the structure to be related to a street, the board orcouncil may, in a specific case and after a public hearing for which reasonablenotice has been given to all interested parties and at which parties ininterest and others have an opportunity to be heard, make reasonable exceptionsand issue a permit subject to conditions that will assure adequate access forfirefighting equipment, ambulances, and other emergency vehicles necessary forthe protection of health and safety and that will protect any future streetlayout shown on the official map.