§ 45-22.1-4 - Preparation of comprehensive plan.
SECTION 45-22.1-4
§ 45-22.1-4 Preparation of comprehensiveplan. (a) Every joint municipal planning commission may prepare and maintain acomprehensive plan, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, for theguidance of the continuing development of the area encompassed by theparticipating or member municipalities.
(b) These plans and recommendations may be concerned withexisting and proposed highways, public places, bridges and tunnels, viaducts,parks, parkways, recreation areas, sites for public buildings and structures,land use areas, building and zoning districts, waterways, routes of railroadsand buses, location of sewers, water supplies and conduits, and other publicutilities of the area.
(c) The plans and recommendations are advisory and notmandatory for the communities.