§ 45-19-9 - Fire fighters protected Relief to volunteer fire fighters injured in line of duty Physician's written report.
SECTION 45-19-9
§ 45-19-9 Fire fighters protected Relief to volunteer fire fighters injured in line of duty Physician'swritten report. Officers and members in active service in all incorporated protectivedepartments cooperating with fire departments, and any person performing theduties of a fire fighter in a town or city having no organized or permanentfire department, are entitled to the benefits of that service; provided, thatwhenever any member of any volunteer fire company or call fire company, whetherthe company is incorporated or not, becomes either wholly or partiallyincapacitated from earning a livelihood by reasons of injuries received in theperformance of his or her duties, the bureau may, in its discretion, make aregular monthly payment of relief to the member from the fund of not exceedingone hundred dollars ($100) for any one month, and may continue the monthlypayments so long as the bureau deems the relief fitting and necessary in eachparticular case; and provided, further, that any member, receiving benefitsunder this section, shall file with the secretary of the fire fighter's relieffund of Rhode Island, sixty (60) days after his or her discharge by themember's attending physician, a written report signed by the physician givingthe date, duration, and nature of injuries and other details pertaining to theinjuries.