§ 45-14-1.1 - Recording of sewer system.
SECTION 45-14-1.1
§ 45-14-1.1 Recording of sewer system. Starting on January 1, 2012, all cities and towns that own, operate, manage orcontrol a sewer system shall require as-built drawings and plans on any newsewer main extension to be submitted to the sewer authority. In addition, anas-built record drawing and plans shall be submitted to the sewer authority forany sewer main upgrade or repair that deviates in horizontal or verticalalignment from the existing sewer main horizontal or vertical alignment. Thepreparation and submission of such as-built drawings and plans shall be theresponsibility of the person that each city and town has designated either byordinance or by contract. All cities and towns shall determine the form inwhich such drawings and plans shall be submitted.