§ 45-13-8 - Reports.
SECTION 45-13-8
§ 45-13-8 Reports. (a) The department of revenue in consultation and cooperation with towns andcities shall maintain:
(1) An identification of state mandates created by statutesince January 1, 1970;
(2) Specific identification of all state mandates establishedsince July 1, 1979 which are subject to reimbursement in accordance with §45-13-9, and the cost of each of these mandates to each city and town.
(b) The department of revenue shall annually by January 1issue a report identifying the state's mandates established during thepreceding July 1 June 30 period and stating the cost by city and town ofall state mandates established after January 1, 1979, for the next precedingJuly 1 June 30 period. The department of revenue shall annually issue tocities and towns a comprehensive listing of all state mandates establishedafter January 1, 1979.
(c) Statutes and regulations containing state mandates shallinclude items eligible for reimbursement; however, failure to include theseitems shall not exempt any state mandates not otherwise exempted from theprovisions of §§ 45-13-7 45-13-10.
(2) Cities and towns shall submit to the department ofrevenue in any form that may be established by the department, a report of thecost of each state mandate established after January 1, 1979, to the city ortown. The reports shall be submitted by April 1 each year and shall state costsincurred by the city or town during the preceding July 1 June 30 period.
(3) The reports of cities and towns requesting reimbursementfor state mandates are subject to audit procedures established under §45-10-5.1.
(d) The department of revenue shall issue by January 1, 1988and by January 1 of each fourth (4th) year thereafter, a report to the governorand the general assembly recommending the modification or repeal of existingstate mandates which are deemed to be inappropriate or obsolete and citing thereason for the recommendation on the fourth (4th) year anniversary of thosestate mandates. This report shall be prepared by the Rhode Island division ofproperty valuation and municipal finance within the department of revenue inconsultation and cooperation with the affected state agencies and the RhodeIsland League of Cities and Towns and the Rhode Island Association of SchoolCommittees.
(e) All reports issued by the department of revenue inaccordance with this subsection shall be adopted by rule as provided for inchapter 35 of title 42.