§ 44-9-9 - Notice and advertisement of sale.
SECTION 44-9-9
§ 44-9-9 Notice and advertisement of sale. Before the sale, the collector shall give notice of the time and place of saleposted in two (2) or more public places in the city or town at least three (3)weeks before the time of the sale. The collector shall also cause to bepublished in some public newspaper published in the city or town, if there isone, and if there is no public newspaper published in the city or town, then insome public newspaper published in the county, a statement concerning the timeand place of sale, the real estate liable for payment of taxes, and the name ofthe person against whom the real estate was assessed, with a list of the parcelor parcels to be offered for sale by the recorded plat and lot number, or byassessors' plat and lot number, or by other adequate description. The newspapernotice giving this full description shall be inserted, once, at least three (3)weeks prior to the date of the advertised sale, and thereafter a weekly formallegal notice, between the date of original advertisement and the time of salespecified in the notice, shall be inserted, stating that the collector willsell at public auction the real estate advertised. The subsequent formal legalnotice shall include reference to the original advertisement, which gave a fulldescription. Whenever an advertised tax sale is continued or postponed, aformal legal notice giving the new date shall be inserted at least one weekprior to the new date. Any notice of sale shall inform any party entitled tonotice of its right of redemption and shall explain to such party the manner inwhich said right shall be exercised and inform said party of the penalties andforfeiture that may occur if the right of redemption is not exercised.