§ 44-9-8.2 - Deed of taking.
SECTION 44-9-8.2
§ 44-9-8.2 Deed of taking. The instrument of taking shall be under the hand and seal of the collector andshall contain a statement of the cause of taking, a substantially accuratedescription of each parcel of land taken, the name of the person to whom thetax was assessed, the amount of the tax, and the incidental expenses and coststo the date of taking, and if notice of the sale was given to the Rhode IslandHousing and Mortgage Finance Corporation and/or to the department of elderlyaffairs under the provisions of § 44-9-10, an affirmative certification asto which entity received notice and the date(s) on which each such notice wasgiven shall be set forth in the instrument. This instrument of taking is notvalid unless recorded within sixty (60) days of the date of taking. Ifrecorded, it is prima facie evidence of all facts essential to the validity ofthe title taken. Title to the land taken shall vest in the city or town,subject to the right of redemption. The title shall, until redemption or untilthe right of redemption is foreclosed, be held as security for the repayment ofthe taxes with all intervening costs, terms imposed for redemption, andcharges, with interest. The premises taken, both before and after eitherredemption or foreclosure, is also subject to and has the benefit of alleasements and restrictions lawfully existing in, upon or over the land orappurtenant to the land, and all covenants and agreements running with thepremises either at law or in equity, when taken.