§ 44-9-29 - Redemption by party to foreclosure proceedings.
SECTION 44-9-29
§ 44-9-29 Redemption by party toforeclosure proceedings. Any person claiming an interest, on or before the return day or within thatfurther time as may on motion be allowed by the court, shall, if he or shedesires to redeem, file an answer setting forth his or her right in the land,and an offer to redeem upon the terms as may be fixed by the court. The courtshall hear the parties, and may in its discretion make a finding allowing theparty to redeem, within a time fixed by the court, upon payment to thepetitioner of an amount sufficient to cover the original sum, costs, penalties,and all subsequent taxes, costs, and interest to which the petitioner may beentitled, together with the costs of the proceeding and counsel fee as thecourt deems reasonable. The court may impose other terms as justice and thecircumstances warrant.