§ 44-9-25 - Petition for foreclosure of redemption.
SECTION 44-9-25
§ 44-9-25 Petition for foreclosure ofredemption. (a) After one year from a sale of land for taxes, except as provided in§§ 44-9-19 44-9-22, whoever then holds the acquired title maybring a petition in the superior court for the foreclosure of all rights ofredemption under the title. The petition shall set forth a description of theland to which it applies, with its assessed valuation, the petitioner's sourceof title, giving a reference to the place, book, and page of record, and otherfacts as may be necessary for the information of the court. Two (2) or moreparcels of land may be included in any petition brought by any purchaser of atitle or titles, if the parcels are in the same record ownership at the time ofbringing the petition (Form 5).
(b) No more than one foreclosure petition may be filed foreach tax deed regardless of the number of tax title holders having an interestunder such deed. If more than one petition is filed, the petitions shall beconsolidated for hearing by the court. The court shall not award more than oneattorneys' fee to the petitioners.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of thissection, no petition for foreclosure of redemption shall be filed orentertained by any court with respect to any property or title acquired by theRhode Island Housing and Mortgage Corporation pursuant to § 44-9-8.3 ofthe general laws until after five (5) years from the sale of said property ortitle for taxes.