§ 44-7-10.1 - Exeter Non-issuance and/or renewal of licenses or permits to applicants or licensees in arrears in local taxes, liens and assessments in the town.
SECTION 44-7-10.1
§ 44-7-10.1 Exeter Non-issuanceand/or renewal of licenses or permits to applicants or licensees in arrears inlocal taxes, liens and assessments in the town. (a) No license or permit issued by the town of Exeter, and required for theoperation of a business as defined in this act, may be issued or renewed to anyperson or applicant who is in arrears for the payment of any local taxes, liensor other assessments applicable to the operation of the business, unless thematter has been duly appealed in a timely fashion to a court of competentjurisdiction.
(b) No building permit may be issued for new constructionand/or the renovation or alteration of an existing structure if the partyassessed or property owner is in arrears for the payment of any real propertytax, lien or other town assessment on real property unless the matter has beenduly appealed in a timely fashion to a court of competent jurisdiction. Thisprohibition applies only to that real property which is the subject of thebuilding permit application. This section does not apply to construction, whichserves to abate a pending notice of violation issued by the town of Exeter orany of its officials and/or representatives.
(c) Any applicant seeking any license or permit or anyrenewal of any license or permit must submit with his or her application,verification from the property tax or assessment collection agency of the townthat all town taxes, liens and assessments are paid to date, the verificationto be submitted with the application to the town council.