§ 44-5-80 - Homestead exemption in the town of West Greenwich.
SECTION 44-5-80
§ 44-5-80 Homestead exemption in the townof West Greenwich. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the general or special laws to thecontrary, the town council of the town of West Greenwich is authorized toannually fix the amount, if any of a homestead exemption with respect toassessed value from local taxation on taxable real property used forresidential purposes in the town of West Greenwich and to grant homesteadexemptions to the owner or owners of residential real estate in an amount notto exceed forty percent (40%) of the assessed value. The exemption only appliesto property used exclusively for residential purposes, and improved with adwelling containing less than five (5) units. In order to determine compliancewith the homestead exemption as outlined in this section, the town councilshall provide by ordinance rules and regulations governing eligibility for theexemption established by this section.