§ 44-5-8.1 - Waiver of interest on overdue quarterly tax payments.
SECTION 44-5-8.1
§ 44-5-8.1 Waiver of interest on overduequarterly tax payments. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision in this chapter to the contrary, anycity or town may, by ordinance duly enacted, authorize a waiver of interest onone quarter's overdue property tax payment and allow the remaining balance oftaxes owed to be paid on a quarterly basis if all of the following conditionsare satisfied by the taxpayer:
(1) The property subject to the overdue payment is theresidence of the taxpayer and has been for the five (5) years immediatelypreceding the tax payment which is overdue.
(2) The request for a waiver of interest is in writing,signed and dated by the taxpayer.
(3) The taxpayer has made timely payments of taxes to thecity or town for the five (5) years immediately preceding the tax payment,which is overdue. The burden of proof of timely payments shall be upon thetaxpayer.
(4) The bill for which the payment is overdue was issued lessthan two (2) years prior to the date of the request for a waiver of interest.
(b) In no event shall the waiver of interest on a tax billexceed five hundred dollars ($500). Decisions of the tax collector shall be inwriting and contain a notice to the city or town council. If the taxpayerreceives an adverse decision from the tax collector, the taxpayer must pay theinterest and may file a claim for reimbursement with the city or town councilwithin ten (10) days of the decision.
(c) Any request for a waiver of taxes which meets criteriaestablished by this section pursuant to a duly enacted ordinance shall begranted by the city or town.