§ 44-5-11.13 - Homestead exemption in the town of Glocester.
SECTION 44-5-11.13
§ 44-5-11.13 Homestead exemption in thetown of Glocester. The town council of the town of Glocester is authorized to annually fix theamount, if any, of a homestead exemption with respect to assessed value fromlocal taxation on taxable real property used for residential purposes in thetown of Glocester and to grant homestead exemptions to the owner or owners ofresidential real estate in an amount not to exceed forty percent (40%) of theassessed value. The exemption only applies to property used exclusively forresidential purposes, and improved with a dwelling containing less than five(5) units. In order to determine compliance with the homestead exemption asoutlined in this section, the town council shall provide by ordinance rules andregulations governing eligibility for the exemption established by this section.