§ 44-4.1-4 - Completion Certification.
SECTION 44-4.1-4
§ 44-4.1-4 Completion Certification. Upon completion of maintenance or rehabilitation for which the owner of ahistoric residence, or historic commercial structure, seeks property taxreduction, the owner shall apply to the local tax assessor for relief underthis chapter. Upon receiving the application, the city or town tax assessorshall notify the commission. The commission shall inspect the maintenance orrehabilitation of the historic residence, or historic commercial structure, andmake a recommendation to the tax assessor who shall certify if it complies withthe commission guidelines. The commission may establish a schedule ofreasonable fees for the processing of inspection of maintenance andrehabilitation. The property tax reduction commences in the year that theinspection certifies approval of the maintenance or rehabilitation. An ownerwho receives a property tax reduction pursuant to this chapter shall, uponcompletion of further maintenance or rehabilitation, which again fulfills thenecessary requirements of this chapter, receive a new five (5) year propertytax reduction commencing on approval of the most recent application.