§ 44-39.2-1 - Definitions. [Effective until January 1, 2008.].
SECTION 44-39.2-1
§ 44-39.2-1 Definitions. [Effectiveuntil January 1, 2008.]. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Alternative fuel" and "alternative fueled vehicle" aredefined pursuant to the Energy Policy Act of 1998 (P.L. 102-486, Sec. 301 (42U.S.C. § 13211). The definition of alternative fuel shall also includebio-diesel and ethanol fuel. As defined by this chapter, bio-diesel can beproduced from feedstock which includes:
(a) Any virgin (first use) vegetable oil;
(b) Yellow grease;
(c) Waste (second use) vegetable oils; and
(d) Animal fats and tallows.
Bio-diesel and ethanol fuel infrastructures under the 1998Energy Policy Act will allow the State of Rhode Island energy office to issuegrants based on the availability of funding to any individual or entity for thedevelopment of bio-diesel production facilities in Rhode Island.
(2) "Incremental costs" means the increase to the sale priceof an alternative fueled vehicle above the sale price of a comparable motorvehicle similar in all other respects but for the equipment necessary to renderit an alternative fueled vehicle, which increased sale price is attributable tothe vehicle's being equipped to render it an alternative fueled vehicle.