§ 44-30-35 - Rhode Island income of a nonresident estate or trust.
SECTION 44-30-35
§ 44-30-35 Rhode Island income of anonresident estate or trust. The Rhode Island income of a nonresident estate or trust shall be determined asfollows:
(1) Items in distributable net income. There shall bedetermined its share of income and deduction from Rhode Island sources under§ 44-30-36, relating to items entering into the definition of"distributable net income".
(2) Items not in distributable net income. There shallbe added or subtracted, as the case may be, the amount derived from orconnected with Rhode Island sources of any income and deduction recognized forfederal income tax purposes but excluded from the definition of "federaldistributable net income" of the estate or trust. The source of the income anddeduction shall be determined under regulations of the tax administrator inkeeping with the applicable rules of § 40-30-32 as if the estate or trustwere a nonresident individual.
(3) Exemption. There shall be subtracted the amount ofits federal exemption.