§ 44-30-27 - Farm to school income tax credit.
SECTION 44-30-27
§ 44-30-27 Farm to school income taxcredit. Upon presentation of written certification by a local education agency, anindividual or entity domiciled in the state for the entire tax year, shall beentitled to an income tax credit for the purchase of produce grown in the statewhich shall be furnished or used in connection with that individual's orentity's agreement to provide food, services or other products to a localeducation agency. The income tax credit shall be equal to five percent (5%) ofthe cost of farm products grown or produced in the state. Any amount of incometax credit not deductible in the taxable year of certification may not becarried over to the following year. The credit may not be applied until allother credits available to the taxpayer for that taxable year are applied.