§ 44-30.2-1 - Reciprocity board.
SECTION 44-30.2-1
§ 44-30.2-1 Reciprocity board. There is established a reciprocity board, referred to as "the board". The boardshall be composed of three (3) members, consisting of the tax administrator,division of taxation, within the department of revenue, the director of thedepartment of human services, and an assistant attorney general designated bythe attorney general, ex officio. A majority of the members of the board shallconstitute a quorum and the action of the majority of the members in attendanceat any meeting is the action of the board. Whenever a member of the board isabsent from a meeting of the board, the member may designate one of themember's assistants or employees to attend in the member's behalf. Thatassistant or employee is entitled to participate in the discussions andproceedings of the board, but he or she is not entitled to vote.