§ 44-3-31.1 - Providence Freeze of certain tax.
SECTION 44-3-31.1
§ 44-3-31.1 Providence Freeze of certaintax. (a) The city of Providence is authorized to provide, by ordinance, for thefreezing of property taxes on owner-occupied residential real estate, for 2001,at 105.5% of the amount of the property taxes levied for 2000 upon the assessedvaluation as of December 31, 1999 (plus any property tax attributable toadditions to the property between December 31, 1999 and December 31, 2000); andin subsequent years, at the amount of the property tax for the next prior yearincreased by the percentage increase in the tax rate for real estate (plus anyincrease in taxes due to any additions to the property between the date as ofwhich the taxes are levied and the date as of which the taxes for the nextprior year were levied) provided the household income of the owner is notgreater than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) during the calendar year ofthe date of assessment of the valuations.
(b) For the purposes of this section "owner-occupiedresidential real estate" is defined as real property from one to three (3)families owned and occupied by the owner or owners and having not more thanthree (3) dwelling units, one of the units of which constitutes the principalresidence of the owner or owners; such property includes assessed land,buildings or improvements incidental to habitation and used exclusively by theowners of the property or their guests or tenants.
(c) "Household income" for purpose of this section means allmonies received by the owner or owners, the spouse of any owner and any otherperson over eighteen (18) years of age occupying the dwelling unit occupied bythe owner or owners, from whatever source derived, including, but not limitedto, capital gains, dividends, interest, wages, pensions, annuities, retirementand social security benefits, workers' compensation benefits, cash publicassistance and relief and any and all other monies received.
(d) The ordinance providing for the tax freeze may providerules for determining income, percentage increase in the tax rate, submissionof proof of entitlement and any other terms and conditions as the city councildeems appropriate to carry out the provisions of this section.