§ 44-20-51.3 - Counterfeit cigarettes.
SECTION 44-20-51.3
§ 44-20-51.3 Counterfeit cigarettes. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the sale or possession for sale ofcounterfeit cigarettes by a manufacturer, importer, distributor, or dealershall result in the seizure of the product and related machinery by theadministrator or any law enforcement agency and shall be punishable as follows:
(a) A knowing violation involving a total quantity of lessthan two (2) cartons of cigarettes shall be punishable by a fine of onethousand dollars ($1,000) or five (5) times the retail value of the cigarettesinvolved, whichever is greater, or imprisonment not to exceed five (5) years,or both.
(b) A subsequent knowing violation involving a total quantityof less than two (2) cartons of cigarettes shall be punishable by a fine offive thousand dollars ($5,000) or five (5) times the retail value of thecigarettes involved, whichever is greater, or imprisonment not to exceed five(5) years, or both, and shall also result in the revocation by theadministrator of the manufacturer, importer, distributor, or dealer license.
(c) A first knowing violation involving a total quantity oftwo (2) cartons of cigarettes or more shall be punishable by a fine of twothousand dollars ($2,000) or five (5) times the retail value of the cigarettesinvolved, whichever is greater, or imprisonment not to exceed five (5) years,or both.
(d) A subsequent knowing violation involving a quantity oftwo (2) cartons of cigarettes or more shall be punishable by a fine of fiftythousand dollars ($50,000) or five (5) times the retail value of the cigarettesinvolved, whichever is greater, or imprisonment not to exceed five (5) years,or both, and shall also result in the revocation by the administrator of themanufacturer, importer, distributor, or dealer license.
For purposes of this section, counterfeit cigarettes includescigarettes that have false manufacturing labels or packages of cigarettesbearing counterfeit tax stamps. Any counterfeit cigarettes seized by theadministrator shall be destroyed.