§ 44-20-51.1 - Civil penalties.
SECTION 44-20-51.1
§ 44-20-51.1 Civil penalties. (a) Whoever omits, neglects, or refuses to comply with any duty imposed uponhim/her by this chapter, or to do, or cause to be done, any of the thingsrequired by this chapter, or does anything prohibited by this chapter, shall,in addition to any other penalty provided in this chapter, be liable to apenalty of one thousand dollars ($1,000), or five (5) times the retail value ofthe cigarettes involved, whichever is greater, to be recovered, with costs ofsuit, in a civil action.
(b) Whoever fails to pay any tax imposed by this chapter atthe time prescribed by law or regulations, shall, in addition to any otherpenalty provided in this chapter, be liable to a penalty of five (5) times thetax due but unpaid.