§ 44-20-40 - Records Investigation and inspection of books, premises and stock.
SECTION 44-20-40
§ 44-20-40 Records Investigationand inspection of books, premises and stock. (a) Each manufacturer, importer, distributor and dealer shall maintain copiesof invoices or equivalent documentation for, or itemized for, each of itsfacilities for each transaction (other than a retail transaction with aconsumer) involving the sale, purchase, transfer, consignment, or receipt ofcigarettes. The invoices or documentation shall show the name and address ofthe other party and the quantity by brand style of the cigarettes involved inthe transaction. All records and invoices required under this section must besafely preserved for three (3) years in a manner to insure permanency andaccessibility for inspection by the administrator or his or her authorizedagents.
(b) Records required under this section shall be preserved onthe premises described in the relevant license in such a manner as to ensurepermanency and accessibility for inspection at reasonable hours by authorizedpersonnel of the administrator. With the administrator's permission, personswith multiple places of business may retain centralized records, but shalltransmit duplicates of the invoices or the equivalent documentation to eachplace of business within twenty-four (24) hours upon the request of theadministrator or his or her designee.
(c) The administrator or his or her authorized agents mayexamine the books, papers, reports and records of any manufacturer, importer,distributor or dealer in this state for the purpose of determining whethertaxes imposed by this chapter have been fully paid, and may investigate thestock of cigarettes in or upon any premises for the purpose of determiningwhether the provisions of this chapter are being obeyed. The administrator inhis or her sole discretion may share the records and reports required by suchsections with law enforcement officials of the federal government or otherstates.