§ 44-13-4 - Rate of taxation.
SECTION 44-13-4
§ 44-13-4 Rate of taxation. The tax imposed will be at the following rates:
(1) In the case of every corporation whose principal businessis a steamboat or ferryboat business as a common carrier, every common carriersteam or electric railroad corporation, every street railway corporation, everycommon carrier dining, sleeping, chair, or parlor car corporation, everycorporation whose principal business is selling and distributing water to thepublic, and every toll bridge corporation, one and one-fourth percent (1.25%)of its gross earnings;
(2) In the case of every corporation whose principal businessis manufacturing, selling, distributing and/or transmitting currents ofelectricity to be used for light, heat, or motive power, four percent (4%) ofits gross earnings, but deductions shall be made of gross earnings from thetransmission or sale of electricity to other public utility corporations,non-regulated power producers, or municipal utilities for resale, whetherwithin or outside of this state; provided, that the tax measured by the portionof the utility's gross earnings as is derived from the manufacture and sale ofilluminating and heating gas and its by-products and the merchandising of gasappliances shall be computed at the rate of three percent (3%);
(3) In the case of every express corporation carrying on itsbusiness on steamboats, steam or electric railroads, or street railways and ofevery public service corporation whose principal business is that of atelegraph corporation, four percent (4%) of its gross earnings;
(4) In the case of every telecommunications corporationproviding telecommunications service, ten percent (10%) of its gross earnings;provided, that the rate shall be nine percent (9%) effective July 1, 1985,eight percent (8%) effective July 1, 1986, seven percent (7%) effective July 1,1987, six percent (6%) effective July 1, 1988, and five percent (5%) effectiveJuly 1, 1997. For purposes of this chapter, "telecommunications service" meansthe transmission of any interactive two-way electromagnetic communicationsincluding voice, image, data, and other information, by means of wire, cable,including fiber optical cable, microwave, and radio wave, or any combinationsof these media. This definition does not include value added non-voice servicesin which computer processing applications are used to act on the form, content,code, and protocol of the information to be transmitted;
(5) In the case of every public service cable corporation,eight percent (8%) of its gross earnings;
(6) In the case of every corporation whose principal businessis manufacturing, selling and/or distributing to the public illuminating orheating gas, three percent (3%) of its gross earnings.