§ 44-13-1 - Domestic corporations subject to tax "Gross earnings" defined Deductions.
SECTION 44-13-1
§ 44-13-1 Domestic corporations subject totax "Gross earnings" defined Deductions. (a) Every corporation enumerated in § 44-13-4, incorporated under the lawsof this state, shall annually pay a tax or excise to the state for theprivilege of existing as a corporation during any part of the precedingcalendar year. The tax shall be in addition to any tax upon its real estate andtangible personal property locally or otherwise assessed and shall be measuredby its gross earnings, determined as provided, for the preceding calendar yearor for the portion of the year that the corporation has been incorporated andshall be computed at the rates prescribed in § 44-13-4; provided, that theNarragansett Pier Railroad Company, a corporation incorporated under the lawsof the state of Rhode Island, shall not be subject to any tax imposed by theprovisions of this chapter in any year until and unless the net receipts of therailroad applicable to dividends or other form of distribution of corporateearnings shall in the year amount to a sum that is not less than four percent(4%) of the aggregate valuation of the property of the railroad as determinedby the public utility administrator.
(b) "Gross earnings" includes all income of the same types asare classified as operating revenues by the public utilities control authorityin the uniform systems of accounts prescribed by the authority for operations,whether or not the corporation is regulated by the public utilities controlauthority, except those subject to the Rhode Island business corporation tax,within the tax year and, with respect to each company, all income classified inthe uniform systems of accounts as income from merchandising, jobbing, andcontract work, income from nonutility operations and revenues from transfer,sale, or lease of tangible, intangible, or real property not devoted to utilityoperation, and receipts from the sale of residuals and other by-productsobtained in connection with the production of gas, electricity, or steam. Nodeductions shall be allowed from the gross earnings for any commission, rebate,or other payment, except a refund resulting from an error or overcharge, andthose specifically mentioned in § 44-13-5, and in the case of everycorporation subject to tax under § 44-13-4(4), fifty percent (50%) of allamounts paid during the period July 1, 1987 to June 30, 1988 and one hundredpercent (100%) of all amounts paid during the period July 1, 1988 andthereafter by a corporation to another corporation for connecting fees,switching charges, and carrier access charges shall be included in the grossearnings of the company to which they are paid and shall be deducted from thegross earnings of the paying company.