§ 42-99-5 - Transactions with the corporation.

SECTION 42-99-5

   § 42-99-5  Transactions with thecorporation. – Any municipality is authorized from time to time to sell or otherwise convey tothe corporation any property held by the municipality and to lease from thecorporation, or contract with the corporation with respect to any facilities,or any interest therein, held by the corporation under this chapter. Theprovisions of any other laws or ordinances, general, special or local, or ofany rule or regulation of the state or the municipality, or of any municipalcharter provision, restricting or regulating in any manner the power of thestate or the municipality to lease (as lessee or lessor) or sell or conveyproperty, real, personal, or mixed, shall not apply to leases and sales madepursuant to the authority conferred by this chapter.