§ 42-98-8 - Applications Contents Acceptance for filing.
SECTION 42-98-8
§ 42-98-8 Applications Contents Acceptance for filing. (a) The rules and regulations promulgated by the board pursuant to §42-98-7(c) shall prescribe the form and contents of applications under thischapter. The applications shall contain at least the following, whereapplicable:
(1) Identification of the proposed owner(s) of the facility,including identification of all affiliates of the proposed owners, as the termis defined in § 39-3-27.
(2) Detailed description of the proposed facility, includingits function and operating characteristics, and complete plans as to allstructures, including underground construction and transmission facilities,underground or aerial, associated with the proposed facility.
The complete plans shall be the basis for determiningjurisdiction under the energy facility siting act and shall be the planssubmitted to all agencies whose permit is required under the law.
(3) A detailed description and analysis of the impact of theproposed facility on its physical and social environment together with adetailed description of all environmental characteristics of the proposed site,and a summary of all studies prepared and relied upon in connection therewith.
Where applicable these descriptions and analysis shallinclude a review of current independent, scientific research pertaining toelectric and magnetic fields (EMF). The review shall provide data assessingpotential health risks associated with EMF exposure. For the purposes of thischapter "prudent avoidance" shall refer to measures to be implemented in orderto protect the public from EMF exposure.
(4) All studies and forecasts, complete with the information,data, methodology, and assumptions on which they are based, on which theapplicant intends to rely in showing the need for the proposed facility underthe statewide master construction plan submitted annually.
(5) Complete detail as to the estimated construction cost ofthe proposed facility, the projected maintenance and operation costs, estimatedcosts to the community such as safety and public health issues, storm damageand power outages, estimated costs to businesses and homeowners due to poweroutages, the estimated unit cost of energy to be produced by the proposedfacility, and expected methods of financing the facility.
(6) A complete life-cycle management plan for the proposedfacility, including measures for protecting the public health and safety andthe environment during the facility's operations, including plans for thehandling and disposal of wastes from the facility, and plans for thedecommissioning of the facility at the end of its useful life.
(7) A study of alternatives to the proposed facility,including alternatives as to energy sources, methods of energy production, andsites for the facility, together with reasons for the applicant's rejection ofthese alternatives. The study shall include estimates of facility cost and unitenergy costs of alternatives considered.
(b) Within thirty (30) days of the filing of an applicantunder this chapter, the board shall notify the applicant whether theapplication is in the form and addresses the matters that are required by thissection and the rules and regulations as are promulgated pursuant to §42-98-7. An application meeting these requirements shall then be docketed. Anyapplication deemed to be deficient shall be returned to the applicant, togetherwith a concise and explicit statement of the application's deficiencies. Withinfifteen (15) days of the resubmission of an application following a rejectionfor deficiency, the board shall docket the application together withspecification of continuing deficiencies noted by the board, if any.