§ 42-98-2 - Declaration of policy.
SECTION 42-98-2
§ 42-98-2 Declaration of policy. It shall be the policy of this state to assure that:
(1) The facilities required to meet the energy needs of thisand succeeding generations of Rhode Islanders are planned for, considered, andbuilt in a timely and orderly fashion;
(2) Construction, operation, and/or alteration of majorenergy facilities shall only be undertaken when those actions are justified bylong term state and/or regional energy need forecasts;
(3) The energy shall be produced at the least possible costto the consumer consistent with the objective of ensuring that theconstruction, operation, and decommissioning of the facility shall produce thefewest possible adverse effects on the quality of the state's environment; mostparticularly, its land and its wildlife and resources, the health and safety ofits citizens, the purity of its air and water, its aquatic and marine life, andits esthetic and recreational value to the public;
(4) The licensure and regulatory authority of the state beconsolidated in a single body, which will render the final licensing decisionconcerning the siting, construction, operation and/or alteration of majorenergy facilities;
(5) An energy facility planning process shall be createdthrough which the statewide planning program, in conjunction with the divisionof public utilities and carriers, will be empowered to undertake evaluationsand projections of long and short term energy needs, and any other matters thatare necessary to establish the state energy plans, goals, and policies. Thestate planning council shall be authorized and empowered to adopt a long termplan assessing the state's future energy needs and the best strategy formeeting them, as part of the state guide plan by January 1, 1991.
(6) The construction, operation and/or alteration of majorenergy facilities shall be consistent with the state's established energyplans, goals, and policy.
(7) Before approving the construction, operation and/oralteration of major energy facilities, the board shall determine whether costeffective efficiency and conservation opportunities provide an appropriatealternative to the proposed facility.
(8) The energy facilities siting board shall give priority toenergy generation projects based on the degree to which such projects meet,criteria including, but not limited to:
(i) Using renewable fuels, natural gas, or coal processed by"clean coal technology" as their primary fuel;
(ii) Maximizing efficiency;
(iii) Using low levels of high quality water;
(iv) Using existing energy-generation facilities and sites;
(v) Producing low levels of potentially harmful air emissions;
(vi) Producing low levels of wastewater discharge;
(vii) Producing low levels of waste into the solid wastestream; and
(viii) Having dual fuel capacity.
The board shall, within its rules and regulations, provideguidelines and definitions of appropriate standards for the criteria designatedin this subsection by January 1, 1991.