§ 42-98-17 - Appropriation, fees and grants.
SECTION 42-98-17
§ 42-98-17 Appropriation, fees and grants. (a) There is created an account to be known as the "energy facility sitingaccount", an account within the public utilities commission in the generalfund, hereinafter referred to as the "account", for the purpose of providingthe financial means for the board to purchase materials and to employ on acontract or other basis legal counsel, official stenographers, engineers,accountants, and expert witnesses and for other necessary expenses of the boardin investigations and hearings on applications for licensure under thischapter. The general assembly shall annually appropriate to the account theamounts as may be required to bring the balance of the account to the sum ofone hundred thousand dollars ($100,000); provided, however, that if at June 30in any year the balance in the account shall be in excess of one hundredthousand dollars ($100,000), the amount of the excess shall be transferred tothe general account of the state. The controller is authorized and directed todraw his or her orders upon the general treasurer for the payment from theaccount of the sums as may be required from time to time upon receipt by thecontroller of proper vouchers approved by the chairperson of the board or thesecretary.
(b) The board shall be authorized to establish reasonablefees for investigations, applications and hearings. Applicants shall pay thosefees in full prior to the hearing process commencing unless the board agrees toan alternative payment schedule. All fees collected by the board shall bedeposited with the general treasurer and appropriated to the board. The statecontroller is authorized and directed to draw his or her orders upon thegeneral treasurer for payment of any sum or sums as may be necessary from timeto time and upon receipt by him or her of authenticated vouchers presented bythe coordinator of the board.
(c) All moneys collected by the chairperson or the secretarypursuant to this section shall be paid by him or her monthly to the generaltreasurer to be added to the energy facility siting account.
(d) Failure of the applicant to pay expenses lawfullyassessed by the board shall constitute grounds for suspension of licensingproceedings or revocation of any license granted, until the applicant has paidthe expenses.
(e) The board shall be empowered to draw upon this accountand to distribute monies from the fees to and bodies of state and localgovernment participating in licensing actions or acting as the board's agentsfor the purposes of insuring compliance with license provisions and foremploying staff or consultants and for carrying out the provisions of thischapter.
(f) The board shall be authorized to receive any grants madefor the purpose of planning for or regulating the siting of energy facilitiesand to disburse and administer the grants under the terms of the grants.