§ 42-96-6 - Technical services and assistance to organizations.
SECTION 42-96-6
§ 42-96-6 Technical services andassistance to organizations. The commission shall render to organizations those technical services andassistance that it may possess or as may be available to it to enable theorganizations to comply with the intent and provisions of this chapter. Thecommission is authorized to take all steps necessary to encourage theformation, organization, and growth of new organizations. The commission mayalso contract with municipal and other public agencies and with privatepersons, firms, and corporations for the provision of technical services andassistance which may include: preparation and submission of proposals forentering into contracts with the director by qualifying organizations;preparation and submission of reports required under the contracts orregulations issued by the director by qualifying organizations; internalorganization and management of the organization; recruitment and training ofpersonnel of the organizations; preparation of plans and projects, negotiationof agreements, and compliance with requirements of programs in whichorganizations may become engaged in the course of their organizationactivities; and other technical advice or assistance relating to theperformance or rendition of organization activities.