§ 42-9-6 - Legal adviser Representation of state officers and agencies.
SECTION 42-9-6
§ 42-9-6 Legal adviser Representation of state officers and agencies. Except as otherwise in the general laws provided, the attorney general,whenever requested, shall act as the legal adviser of the individuallegislators of the general assembly, of all state boards, divisions,departments, and commissions and the officers thereof, of all commissionersappointed by the general assembly, of all the general officers of the state,and of the director of administration, in all matters pertaining to theirofficial duties, and shall institute and prosecute, whenever necessary, allsuits and proceedings which they may be authorized to commence, and shallappear for and defend the above-named individual legislators, boards,divisions, departments, commissions, commissioners, and officers, in all suitsand proceedings which may be brought against them in their official capacity.