§ 42-82-2 - Definitions.
SECTION 42-82-2
§ 42-82-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context indicates a different meaning orintent:
(1) "Agricultural land" means any land in the state of five(5) contiguous acres or larger that is suitable for agriculture by reference tosoil type, existing use for agricultural purposes and other criteria to bedeveloped by the commission and may include adjacent pastures, ponds, naturaldrainage areas and other adjacent areas which the commission deems necessaryfor farm operations;
(2) "Agricultural lands preservation commission" or"commission" means the commission established pursuant to § 42-82-3;
(3) "Agricultural operation" means any individual,partnership or corporation that complies with §§ 44-27-3 and2-1-22(j) and produces and distributes a commercial food, feed, fiber orhorticultural product.
(4) "Cost," when used with reference to acquisition ofdevelopment rights, means as of any particular date the cost subsequentlyincurred of purchasing the development rights, property rights and all othernecessary expenses incident to planning, financing, and implementing theprovisions of this chapter;
(5) "Development rights" means the rights of the fee simpleowner to develop, construct on, divide, sell, lease, or otherwise change theproperty in such a way as to render the land unsuitable for agriculture; thisincludes the exercise of the owner's rights to sell or grant easements orrights of way, or to sell the mineral or water rights or other rights if bythat exercise the use of the land as productive agricultural land isdiminished; but does not include the rights of the owner to sell, lease, orotherwise improve the agricultural land to preserve, maintain, operate, orcontinue the land as agricultural land or all other customary rights andprivileges of ownership, including the right to privacy. Specific restrictionsto farm-related development shall be formulated by the commission for eachparcel of land to which the development rights are purchased and appended tothe covenant at the time of its making.