§ 42-82-16 - Charges for utility extension.
SECTION 42-82-16
§ 42-82-16 Charges for utility extension. (a) No city, town, quasi-municipal corporation or public corporation may assessthe owner of an agricultural operation having frontage on a public roadway forthe extension of water and sewer utilities past the property.
(b) The owner of the agricultural operation may only becharged if the owner has requested the utility extension. The agriculturaloperation may tie into any utility extension made past that property for thenormal cost of tie-in and no cost for the infrastructure improvement except forits base usable charge. The protection afforded by this section shall be nulland void and the assessments made if the owner of the agricultural operationdevelops or sells to other than a qualifying agricultural operation theproperty or farmland within twenty (20) years of the date the utilityextensions were operational.